Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Word of the Day for Tuesday April 4, 2006

brummagem \BRUHM-uh-juhm\, adjective:
Cheap and showy, tawdry; also, spurious, counterfeit.

But demanding that publishers replace their brummagem wares
with books which embody Kunin's "high standards of
excellence" would be a promising -- and cost-free -- way to
--Betty McCollister, "A Conspiracy of Good Intentions:
America's Textbook Fiasco," [1]Humanist, November-December,

The distortions they bring on damage society and fuel
defiant behavior, encouraging everything from immigrations
to the Cayman Islands, to active distortions of reality
through brummagem corporate filings.
--William F. Buckley, Jr., "Reforming the Rich,"
[2]National Review, January 20, 2006

Brummagem is an alteration of Birmingham, England, from the
counterfeit groats produced there in the 17th century.

hey... that's where they posted me for exchange.
secondly, what the heck is a groat?


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